Project Report on Wireless Data Transfer Using PIC

            We are going to make WIRELESS DATA TRANSFER USING PIC(Peripheral Interface Controller).The PIC18F4620 is a product of microchip. It is 8-bit controller and specially designed for ultra-low-power applications. A flexible clocking system multiple operating modes and Brown-Out Reset (BOR) are implemented to reduce power consumption and dramatically extend battery life. The data will be transmitted and received by using ZigBee transceiver module (MRF24J40MA).It is 2.4 GHz IEEE Std. 802.15.4™RF Transceiver Module .The input will be given from transmitter side by Three sets of switches and each set contains three push button switches .And the output at the receiver side will be displayed on computer. This device can be applicable for the following applications:
l  Reviewing public pole
l  EVM (Electronic Voting Machine)

l  Quiz contest.

Need for Wireless Communication

Our interest in the wireless is only because the world is moving towards sophistication and the interest in the field of wireless has tremendously increased in the last few years, and being a communication engineer it relates to our field and also to our interest. The use of wireless also gives us freedom from the labor of laying the wires and also from the maintenance. Although I must be the first one to admit that this idea is not always welcomed. Especially in the companies where the controlling is extremely critical and has to be maintained strictly. And the companies are not really ready to take any chances with the wireless system. The term "wireless" should not be confused with the term "cordless", which is generally used to refer to powered electrical or electronic devices that are able to operate from a portable power source (e.g. a battery pack) without any cable or cord to limit the mobility of the cordless device through a connection to the mains power supply. Some cordless devices, such as cordless telephones, are also wireless in the sense that information is transferred from the cordless telephone to the telephone's base unit via some type of wireless communications link.
 The ZigBee is a collection of companies that have teamed up to promote a wireless communication standard based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The 802.15.4 specification covers the PHY and MAC hardware, while ZigBee starts at the Media Access Control (MAC) layer and adds a Data Link layer, a Network Layer, and an Application Interface. Thus, ZigBee encapsulates nearly the entire communication process from the end user's application.
Using a dual physical layer, ZigBee offers the ability to use the 2.4 GHz spectrum or the 868/915 MHz spectra. At 2.4GHz, the data rate starts at 250 kbps; at 915 MHz, the data rate starts at 40 kbps; at 868 MHz, the data rate begins at 20kbps. As usual, these rates will decrease as the distance between nodes increases. Its range is from 5 to 500m depending on the environment, but typical performance is around 50m. This compares favorably to Bluetooth while using a fraction of the power.
ZigBee systems are design with power consumption in mind. A ZigBee system is rarely active. Typical duty cycle for a system is about .01%. This means the system has an effective power consumption of 30uW in contrast to a active Bluetooth node which consumes about 30 mW of continuous power.
 Application Area Of Project
Reviewing Public Pole
Quiz Contest.
EVM [Electronic Voting Machine]

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